Thursday, September 30, 2010

Change is in the Air

"There is an unseen life that dreams us; it knows our true direction and destiny. We can trust ourselves more than we realize, and we need have no fear of change."

 photo credits: Ryn

When the fear of change is put to the wayside, the freedom of what it can bring reveals itself in such gorgeous ways.  Change can be extremely energizing.  You see the world with a new pair of eyes... taste new things, hear unfamiliar bird calls, drive down different roads.  Change can be beautiful as well.  When you start to see the trees blushing in the forests, the fall harvest providing hearty meals on a cold night, and migrations of birds above your head, it's hard not to be in awe of Nature and her calendar.  Change happens.  Time to run with it. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Woods Taste Good

You can find some pretty delicious things in the woods if you slow down and take a look.  My friend, Kathy, was featured in this blog for her excellent foraging skills.  I have had the pleasure of tasting some of her wild finds and am a lucky girl!  Check out the story and definitely try the recipe for mushroom pasta, a collaboration of Kathy and Corner Table's chef, Scott Pampuch. Is your mouth watering already?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ode to Bird Watching

Welcome to Bird at Heart! 
This blog is a place to gather ideas and inspirations from my new surroundings in the woods.  I'd love to hear what's inspiring you!

photo credit: ryn
Ode To Bird Watching  by Pablo Neruda
Let's look for birds!
The tall iron branches
in the forest,
The dense
fertility on the ground.
The world
is wet.
A dewdrop or raindrop
a diminutive star
among the leaves.
The morning time
mother earth
is cool.
The air
is like a river
which shakes
the silence.
It smells of rosemary,
of space
and roots.