Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You're An Answer Why

Enjoy this time with family and friends.  Here is some inspiration from one of my alltime favorite groups, Storyhill.  Perfect message before a day of Thanksgiving...
What's this new air you breathe from within?
It's telling you there's a new place
To begin again -- with the morning's light
You wake up smiling, you wake up feeling all right

'Cuz you're hunting like the hawk that circles higher
You're the rising smoke from a dyin' campfire
You're a thermal beneath the wing, you're cirrus in the sky
You're a reason for, you're an answer why

Your arms are strong when you fly through the air
Over streets and buildings and the people below you stare
They can't believe, 'cuz they've never seen
Someone who dared fly outside their dreams

-Storyhill "Steady On"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice."
-Meister Eckhart
                                                                                   photo credit: ryn
 ...for fresh local produce
  ...for summer storms
 ...for sunsets on Pig Lake
 ...for freedom
 ...for innocent eyes and unconditional love
 ...for the most unconditional of love of all

Friday, November 19, 2010

Owl Moon

Northern Saw-whet Owl
It was a beautiful night in the woods last night.  The moon was so bright that we didn't even need to turn our headlamps on when going down for our hourly net-checks.  The trees cast tall shadows across the leaf-covered forest floor, and the stars twinkled overhead in the chilly night sky. The moon was too bright for the Saw-whets, however, who were most-likely hiding from their predators, the larger owls that we could hear calling somewhere deep in the the forest.  We did have one little owl come to us last night, and it was at the eleventh hour... literally.  We were so happy to have one last owl for the season, to add to a grand total of 487 owls.  It is always a thrill to be so close to such a delicate and beautiful bird.  Here are some photos from this banding season that illustrate the owl-banding process.  Enjoy!
    .ryn                                                                                                        photo credits: ryn
The owls are attracted to the mp3's of Saw-whet calls we play over loud-speakers in the woods.  Four nets are set up around the speakers that will catch birds that fly into them.  When we find owls in the nets, we carefully remove them from the pockets in the nets and place them in drawstring sacks that we then bring up to the banding cabin.

Carefully taking the owl out of the bag
Banding and measurement tools  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Song

Fall Song
Another year gone, leaving everywhere
its rich spiced residues: vines, leaves,
the uneaten fruits crumbling damply
in the shadows, unmattering back
from the particular island
of this summer, this NOW, that now is nowhere
except underfoot, moldering
in that black subterranean castle
of unobservable mysteries – roots and sealed seeds
and the wanderings of water. This
I try to remember when time’s measure
painfully chafes, for instance when autumn
flares out at the last, boisterous and like us longing
to stay – how everything lives, shifting
from one bright vision to another, forever
in these momentary pastures.

~ Mary Oliver ~

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday Video Inspiration: PS22 "LISZTOMANIA"

The PS22 Chorus does it again with an inspiring rendition of Phoenix's ""LISZTOMANIA."  LOVE these kids!  Hope your Monday was swell.  Ciao for now!

Tomato Toe-Mahto

"I live on good soup, not on fine words."

I pulled out my dead, frost-bitten tomato plant yesterday.  It was time.  Although, the withered plant surprisingly was still bearing fruit... tiny green tomatoes hanging off of the vines that have spread like tentacles across our yard.  In honor of the glorious harvest she has provided us with late in the summer (I reminisce of the sun-warmed fruit that we ate like apples), I made a homemade tomato soup.   

Warm up your honey's tummy with a bowl of 33 Birch Tomato Soup.  It's the perfect ending to a day of raking, bench-painting, and plant-pulling... 
Enjoy! Your honey will request you make this again ASAP before they even finish their first bowl, guaranteed!   
 .ryn                                                                                                                 photos: ryn
Vine-ripened tomatoes
Sugar & spice
33 Birch Tomato
Adapted from the Barefoot Contessa tomato soup recipe


  • 3 tablespoons good olive oil
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped red onions (2 onions)
  • 2 carrots, unpeeled and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic (3 cloves)
  • 4 pounds vine-ripened tomatoes, coarsely chopped (5 large)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1/4 cup packed chopped fresh basil leaves, plus julienned basil leaves, for garnish
  • 3 cups chicken stock, preferably homemade
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt 
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • Croutons, for garnish
  • secret ingredient: a pinch of crushed red pepepr flakes


Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-low heat. Add the onions and carrots and saute for about 10 minutes, until very tender. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, sugar, tomato paste, basil, chicken stock, salt, and pepper and stir well. Bring the soup to a boil, lower the heat, and simmer, uncovered, for 30 to 40 minutes, until the tomatoes are very tender.

Add the cream to the soup and process it in a food processor. Reheat the soup over low heat just until hot and serve with julienned basil leaves and big buttery garlicy cheesy croutons.

Eat. Repeat.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Flock of Colors

"A person should always offer a prayer of graciousness for the love that has awakened in them. When you feel love for your beloved and his or her love for you, now and again you should offer the warmth of your love as a blessing for those who are damaged and unloved. Send that love out into the world to people who are desperate; to those who are starving; to those who are trapped in prison; in hospitals and all the brutal terrains of bleak and tormented lives. When you send that love out from the bountifulness of your own love, it reaches other people. This love is the deepest power of prayer."
— John O’Donohue, Anam Cara “The Wounded Gift”
                                                                                                              photo credit: ryn
I would have loved to known the Irish poet and philosopher John O'Donohue when he was alive.  He left this earth far too soon but left behind a very big imprint on the hearts of many people.  And he left behind stories and thoughts and beautiful prayers.  I think he would have made a fantastic friend... he understood the light and dark of the heart, he listened to the earth, he laughed. 
Take a quiet moment to listen to John himself reading one of his prayers in his own voice.  This is such a beautiful prayer and it means even more to me actually hearing his soft Irish voice. 
I hope your weekend is filled with a flock of color.
                                          photo credit: ryn

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Veteran's Day

"You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life."
-Winston Churchill
                                                                                                                                                    photo credit: ryn
I was out to lunch yesterday with a co-worker.  We were standing in line to order tacos and behind me was a female soldier in uniform.  There is a base closeby.  The woman behind her, a stranger, said to the woman in uniform, "Thank you for all that you do for me.  I want to buy your lunch.  Have a happy Veteran's Day."  Wow.  That is a clear reminder of what these people do for me and each of us.  They are brave and put their lives on the line for our freedom.  Let's be thankful and grateful today for everyone who has and is serving us. 

WITF has an online collection of some war stories that are very worth checking out. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Heart...

                                                                                  photo credit: jenny



Mossy paths

TTV Photography
Cuddle Doon



Friday, November 5, 2010

Jump Cut

"Good editing makes a director look good.  Great editing makes a film look like it wasn't directed at all."  -Victor Fleming
                                                     photo: banksy

One of the reasons I love video editing so much is the fact that there is infinite potential in telling one story.  At a post-house I used to work at, we were given a challenge: to take the same footage and edit a one-munite film for a party we were having.  It was truly thrilling to see each editor's take on the footage they were given.  The challenge was a great reminder that editing is an art form and that each person brings their own unique aesthetic to a piece. 
Editor extraordinaire, Walter Murch, says "Life is like one continuous dolly shot.  How life and motion pictures comes together is a mystery.  The paradox is that images are coming together to tell a seamless story, even though our life is not like this at all.  The way we put films together is a challenge.  A film editor must encourage this challenge."

These hilarious re-cut movie trailers illustrate how a story can take a completely different turn.

AND, if you haven't had enough, here is another jaw-dropping piece of editing by one of my inspirations, pogo.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Old-School Color

Just a couple more colorful bits I had to share... old-school style. 

Color Your World

I need a little color to brighten this gray and rainy November day.  These dreamy watercolor's by Stina Persson do the trick... sugary sweet eye candy.  And below is Breakbot's "Baby I'm Yours" music video, an amazing feat of watercolor genius... merely 2,000 consecutive watercolors that create the glamourous and very-retro feel of the video.  Wonderful!  A sugar-free treat for your afternoon... enjoy. 

Monday, November 1, 2010


"What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories."
  ~George Eliot

A fall visit home to Minnesota for family, puppy, leaves, pie, warmth, love...
                                                                                                                             photo credit: ryn

Monday Video Inspiration: Ink

Hello there!  I hope your Monday is off to a bright start.

I am in a bit of a mental cloud this morning after a weekend of Halloween activity, home repair surprises, and a bountiful night of owl-banding.  A hot shower and coffee did nothing to jolt me out of my drowsy, dream-like state.  After a major Halloween candy sugar high, came a plumbing nightmare followed by the staircase literally falling down.  But ten owls visited us last night at our Girl Scout camp banding station, and they raised my spirits.  A special Halloween indeed.    

This animation illustrates how I feel today, and it is just gorgeous.  Off for another round of coffee...

CCTV Ink from on Vimeo.